Get timeline for a box

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Recommended API

It's highly recommended to use this API instead of the endpoints that fetch individual entity types.

The timeline endpoint provides a consolidated view of all the timestamped contents of a box (files, threads, meetings & call logs) along with newsfeed entries. This consolidated endpoint is more performant and supports cursor based paging to efficiently fetch the data.

Additional parameters can be supplied to filter down the types of entities returned by this endpoint. For example, you can request the endpoint just return threads and files.


To use the paging functionality of this endpoint, you must first make a request to the endpoint specifying any parameters you want (direction, limit, filters, startTimestamp). The response will include a nextPage token which you can supply on subsequent requests to get further pages.


Tokens have everything you need

It's important to note that the nextPage tokens that are returned by this endpoint, have the parameters you supplied encoded within it. Therefore, it is unnecessary, and an error, to provide any other parameters when you supply a nextPage token to this endpoint.

Path Params

The key of the box to get the timeline for

Query Params
array of strings
Defaults to []

An array of entity types to return, possible values: CALL_LOGS, COMMENTS, FILES, EMAILS, HANGOUTS_CHAT, MEETING_NOTES, NEWSFEED_BOX_CREATION_MOVE, NEWSFEED_BOX_EDIT. You can specify any number of these types and only matching entities will be returned. Not supplying this parameter or supplying an empty array will result in all entity types being included in the response.

Defaults to Descending

Whether to return results in ascending timestamp or descending timestamp order

Defaults to null

The timestamp to start returning results from. If the direction is ascending, then all entities returned will have a larger timestamp than the one provided. The opposite for descending.


The maximum number of items to return per page


A token returned from a previous request to provide the next page of results. If this parameter is provided, NO other parameters can be specified.


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