Update a box

This call lets you edit the properties of a box.

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The post data for this request must be a well formed JSON object. The properties of the JSON object determine what properties of the box get updated. The above are the allowable properties for that JSON object. All other properties will be ignored.


Updating field and stages properties

To change the fields or the stages property, you must use different endpoints. The fields and stages are only provided as a convenience here. The necessary endpoints are specified in the Field and Stage section of this document.

Note: if updating contacts or organizations, you can do so using this API endpoint.


Content Type and Auth

Make sure to include -H "Content-Type: application/json" and your authorization in any request you make on your own.


Only those you list in your arrays will be associated with your box!

In other words, if you're adding assigned to/contacts/organizations to a box that already has them (and you don't want to remove them), you'll have to send previous objects up along with this call, as well.

Path Params

The key of the box you'd like to update

Body Params

The new name of the box


The notes of the box


The key of the stage that this box should be in. A list of valid stage keys can be found from the pipeline that this box belongs to

array of strings

A JSON array of user keys who are following this box. When a user follows a box, they receive notification emails upon major changes to the box

array of strings

The list of box keys you would like to link to the current box.

array of strings

List of the keys of users assigned to the box. You can unassign a box by sending an empty array.

array of objects

The only contacts associated with the box will be the ones you include here; make sure to include any previously associated contacts as well as the new one(s).

array of objects

The only organizations associated with the box will be the ones you include here; make sure to include any previously associated organizations as well as the new one(s).


Field keys and corresponding values, e.g. { "1007": "String", "1039": 42}


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